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Data management

We help build modern solutions from data and master data architecture to its management.


Our services:

Data and master data management allows you to utilise your data effectively.

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Solid data foundation is at the heart of everything

Our customers want our data management services in many different situations: they want to digitalise their services, they are about to improve their reporting and analysis capabilities, they are developing new, innovative business models to deliver better services to their customers, just to mention a few.

Our approach

A solid data foundation is a vital prerequisite for business development, which today is heavily dependent on data, whether it is digitalisation, reliable reporting and analytics, the development of agile business and support systems, new knowledge-based business models and more generally. We help our clients to develop their data foundation and ensure that it covers all aspects of data management.

Loihde data management
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What we do

We analyse our customer’s current data foundation and based on their vision and data strategy we help them to create a roadmap for what to develop in their data foundation. Together with our customers we plan and design the data capabilities our customers need to meet their targets and help them implement them, if needed.



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